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Best AI Tools for Customer Service

Customer service agents using AI

Customer service is a vital part of any business, and it’s becoming increasingly important to use AI tools to provide the best possible experience for customers. AI can help businesses automate tasks, analyze customer data, and provide personalized support all in order to give your clients the ultimate customer experience. 

Here are some additional benefits of using AI for customer service:

  • Reduced costs: AI can help businesses reduce costs by automating tasks and reducing the need for human interaction on every single support request. 

  • Improved efficiency: AI can help businesses improve efficiency by automating tasks and providing real-time support.

  • Increased customer satisfaction: AI can help businesses increase customer satisfaction by providing a more personalized and efficient customer experience.

  • Competitive advantage: AI can help businesses gain a competitive advantage by providing a better customer experience than their competitors.

If you’re looking to improve your customer service, consider using these top AI tools built for customer service teams. 


Table of Contents

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1) Customer Service Platform (CX Software)

Customer service software is the ultimate superhero for your customer support team. It’s the secret weapon that can transform your customer interactions. Imagine understanding your customers deeply, resolving their issues at lightning speed, and automating mundane tasks to free up your time for more strategic initiatives. Here’s the real magic: this software is a treasure trove of customer insights like their buying journey, customer sentiment on your product/services, and trends in customer queries.

Why use AI in your CX?

Our favorite Customer Support Platform: Freshdesk

Freshdesk has been a long time favorite of customer support teams – for a good reason! It’s incredibly intuitive user design allows employees to easily navigate between customer tickets and interactions. It also connects all channels support requests might come in, from social media to email to your support portal. 

Freshdesks’ newest AI assistant Freddy completely changes the game. Its packed with all the AI features a customer support team would want. It can summarize tickets for your agents, suggest (and write!!) knowledge base articles, edit and revise your support teams messages, and analyze customer sentiments. Honestly, we could not recommend Freshdesk more to any business looking to start or enhance their customer service departments.

Freshdesk Pricing : $0 to $15 per user per month

AI Example: Suggested Support Articles 

One of our favorite features is the article suggest feature. By analyzing the message in the support request from the customer, it will auto suggest which knowledge base article the support agent should use to assist the customer. This means your agents will spend less time searching for the right articles and instead resolve tickets much quicker.

2) Chatbots

Chatbots provide numerous benefits for customer service teams. They offer 24/7 availability, rapid response times, and personalized experiences for customers. Chatbots automate repetitive tasks; freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer interactions

Why use AI with your Chatbots?

 Our favorite chatbot tool: Freshchat

Freshchat is a great chat tool to easily embed onto your website for customer support, marketing, or even sales. Just like Freshdesk, Freshchat is embedded with loads of AI like summarization of chat history, tone enhancing suggestions, conversational knowledge base, and so much more.  

Freshdesk Pricing : $0 to $19 per user per month


AI Example: Tone Enhancer 

Agents can now quickly type out their support response without having to edit for grammar and a friendly customer service tone. Simply type out your support message, then select presets like professional, friendly, or casual for that perfect customer service tone.

customer service ai statistics

3) Meeting Note Takers

AI meeting note takers can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service teams by automating the documentation of discussions and decisions. This technology ensures that detailed and accurate notes are captured, reducing the likelihood of missing critical information about customer issues and resolutions. By freeing team members from the task of manual note-taking, they can engage more actively in meetings, leading to better problem-solving and customer service strategies. Additionally, the automated organization of notes and easy retrieval of information simplifies follow-up actions and accountability, ensuring that customer service commitments are met promptly and accurately.

Why use AI with during your meetings?

Our favorite note taking app: Laxis

Reimagined for efficiency, Laxis revolutionizes the meeting experience. These tools, powered by cutting-edge AI technology, streamline administrative tasks, automating scheduling, note-taking, and action item tracking. This allows participants to immerse themselves in conversations rather than note taking. Featuring intuitive interfaces and customizable templates, Laxis helps customer service teams optimize meeting effectiveness, empowering teams to stay truly connected to your customers.

Laxis Pricing : $0 to $30 per user per month


AI Example: AI Generated Notes

Truly our favorite part of Laxis that separates them from any other AI note taker is the ability to take notes according to your templates. Customize your meeting templates with specific topics and keywords like invoice numbers, customer request, good contact follow up details. Then simply join the call and let Laxis extract the relevant details from every conversation on your behalf. It’s extremely efficient for customer service virtual meetings to enhance your customer experience.

4) Document Management Tools

If you don’t keep your knowledge base in a CX platform (or don’t have one), a wiki management solution can significantly improve a customer service team’s performance by centralizing and organizing crucial information in an accessible format. This system allows for quick retrieval of solutions and guidelines, shortening response times and enhancing the accuracy of the support provided. Additionally, a wiki fosters collaboration among team members, enabling them to update and refine content continuously, ensuring that the information stays current and relevant. By streamlining the information-sharing process, a wiki management solution not only boosts the productivity of customer service teams but also enhances the overall customer experience by providing consistent and reliable support.

Why use AI with Document Management?

Our favorite document management tool: Notion

Notion can significantly enhance customer service operations by serving as a comprehensive knowledge management and collaboration platform. It centralizes essential information, such as FAQs and troubleshooting guides, allowing teams to quickly access and consistently share accurate responses. With customizable templates, Notion standardizes replies to common queries, ensuring uniformity in customer interactions. Additionally, its real-time collaboration features enable team members to update documents and communicate effectively within the same platform, streamlining processes and improving response times. Integrated task management tools further assist in tracking and resolving customer issues efficiently, making Notion an invaluable resource for customer service teams.

Notion Pricing : $0 to $15 per user per month

AI Example: Automated Knowledge Base Articles

Notion’s AI capabilities enable customer service teams to create customizable templates for knowledge base articles, streamlining the process of building and updating support documentation. By leveraging AI, teams can generate detailed, tailored content that aligns with specific support scenarios and customer inquiries. This tool allows for the easy integration of standard responses and guidelines into a dynamic, accessible format, helping teams maintain consistency in their customer interactions while efficiently managing their internal knowledge resources.

5) Work Management Tools

Work management tools are wonderful for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service teams. By centralizing task management outside of your Customer Support platform, these tools help streamline workflows, ensuring that all team members are aware of their responsibilities and deadlines. This leads to quicker resolution of customer issues and more consistent service delivery. Importantly, work management tools also provide valuable analytics and reporting features, which can improve decision-making and optimize team performance. A study has shown that using project management software increases performance and satisfaction among team members by up to 67%, highlighting the substantial impact these tools can have on a team’s productivity and overall customer satisfaction.

Why use AI for Work Management?

Our favorite work management tool: enhances customer service departments by automating routine tasks, facilitating real-time collaboration, and centralizing communication. Its features streamline workflows, improve response times, and help manage customer interactions effectively through a unified platform. Customizable templates and integration capabilities further optimize these processes, enabling better customer engagement and service delivery. Pricing : $0 to $19 per user per month

AI Example: Formula Builder’s AI-powered Formula Builder can significantly enhance the efficiency of customer service teams by automating the creation of complex formulas that help in task management and prioritization. This tool allows teams to define specific criteria and conditions that automatically calculate and update key metrics, such as response times, customer satisfaction scores, or case urgency. By streamlining these calculations, customer service teams can quickly identify priority issues, allocate resources more effectively, and ensure timely responses to customer inquiries.

6) Calendar Management

Customer service teams can derive significant benefits from a calendar management product by streamlining scheduling and ensuring timely customer interactions. Such tools reduce scheduling errors and integrate seamlessly with other systems like CX platforms, enhancing communication and preparation for customer engagements. Features like automated reminders and follow-ups lighten administrative tasks, allowing teams to focus on delivering quality service and improving customer satisfaction.

Why use AI for calendar management?

Our favorite calendar management tool: Reclaim

Reclaim can significantly enhance the schedule of customer service teams by automating schedule management and prioritizing time for high-value tasks. This tool intelligently integrates with existing calendars to find optimal times for customer interactions, automatically adjusts schedules based on real-time demands, and ensures that team members focus on priority tasks without overbooking. Additionally, Reclaim can sync personal and work calendars, allowing for a better work-life balance while ensuring customer service commitments are met, thereby enhancing both employee satisfaction and customer experience. Pricing : $0 to $18 per employee per month 

AI Example: Automated Calendar Scheduling

The best benefit of Reclaim AI for customer service teams is its automated smart scheduling, which optimizes time management for tasks and meetings. This feature allows teams to focus on high-priority customer interactions efficiently, enhancing productivity and customer satisfaction by reducing response times and scheduling conflicts.


Congrats on making it to the end of this comprehensive list! We hope you enjoyed and have learned something new about options for AI in customer service. The integration of AI into customer service operations has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. The tools and platforms discussed empower customer service teams to deliver efficient, personalized, and seamless customer experiences. From automating tasks and managing schedules to capturing and analyzing customer feedback, AI is transforming the customer service landscape. As AI continues to evolve, customer service teams must stay informed about the latest advancements and embrace a continuous learning mindset to remain competitive and deliver exceptional customer service.

Ready to take the next step in your AI journey? At The AIngle, we help navigate through the complexity of different AI solutions by truly tailoring an environment, implementation plan, and training to our clients needs. Simply fill out this form for a free introduction call to start your AI journey! 

Contact for a free AI readiness assessment! 

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